Building International Solidarity to Protect Tropical Forests and Climate
In this session, several leading activists and advocates for tropical forests and the Indigenous people who inhabit them (and are usually their best stewards and protectors), will share their perspectives on the current status of these threatened ecosystems that are among the most biodiverse and critically important in maintaining the biosphere’s climatic stability. They will also share their ongoing campaigns, successes, and strategies going forward, including in the lead-up to the fall 2025 COP 30 meetings in Belém, Brazil (the closest major city to the mouth of the Amazon). With: Leila Salazar-López, Executive Director of Amazon Watch; Jettie Word, Executive Director of the Borneo Project; Ginger Cassady, Executive Director of the Rainforest Action Network. Moderated/hosted by: Rhett Butler, founder of Mongabay, the exemplary conservation and environmental science news platform.
March 27th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm