Environmental Justice at a Difficult Crossroads
Environmental Justice movements, despite the enormous inequities and challenges they faced, had been making major progress these past few decades in raising awareness, mobilizing at the grassroots, and getting some positive laws passed and regulations put in place at various levels of government, but the current reactionary political moment has put much of that forward motion in dire jeopardy. Also, the shift to cleaner energy has too much global market momentum to be reversed (even with fossil fuel lobbyists calling the shots at U.S. federal agencies), but how can we assure that it is a just and inclusive transition, not another driver of corporate wealth extraction? In this session, three major Environmental Justice advocates will explore these difficult issues and share their thoughts on how to keep making progress at the local, regional, and global levels in the context of the intense authoritarian, racist backlash now underway. With: Sierra Club Executive Director, Ben Jealous; Richmond City Councilwoman Doria Robinson; and Manuel Pastor, Director of the Equity Research Institute at USC, one of the nation’s greatest scholars of social movements. Moderated by: TBA.
March 29th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm