Bioneers 2025 Conference

Going Globalocal: Bioregional Climate Action Strategies

As climate breakdown escalates, communities are increasingly realizing that climate action and resilience have as much to do with actual ecological boundaries as with political boundaries on a map. The ground truth is that communities are defined by their local watersheds, foodsheds and energy sheds – as well as culture sheds. These ecological maps will increasingly redefine political maps that can engender meaningful strategic collective action. How do bioregional perspectives translate into political action? How can we build political-ecological alliances for climate action that address urgent bioregional realities and needs? This visionary group of leading-edge climate action organizers will illuminate multiple pathways for addressing both practical climate actions and emerging forms of eco-governance that center equity and justice. With: leading Rights of Nature attorney Thomas Linzey; climate justice organizer and lawyer Colette Pichon Battle whose Taproot Earth nonprofit works in the Gulf South and Appalachia; global Indigenous climate leader Eriel Deranger; OneEarth founder Justin Winters whose science-based climate solutions framework focuses on Renewable Energy, Regenerative Agriculture, and Land and Biodiversity Conservation.

March 28th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm


Thomas Linzey
Senior Legal Counsel
Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Indigenous Climate Action
Colette Pichon Battle
Vision & Initiatives Partner
Taproot Earth
Justin Winters