Bioneers 2024 Conference

How to Fight for a Fair and Free Digital Landscape

Hosted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, founded in 1990, is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. EFF champions user privacy, free expression, innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development, to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people of the world. Come join some leading figures at EFF for an interactive conversation in which we’ll share information and ideas at the juncture of the environmental, social and digital struggles for a better future. Topics will include: tools to protect environmental defenders from surveillance; legal strategies to combat governmental and corporate tracking and censoring; how researchers and activists can successfully fight for open access to information and data; and more. Let’s talk about what more we can do together. Moderated by Cindy Cohn, EFF Executive Director. With: Cooper Quintin, EFF Senior Staff Technologist; Mario Trujillo, EFF Staff Attorney; nash Sheard, EFF Managing Director, Advocacy; Beryl Lipton, EFF Investigative Researcher.

Magnes Museum


March 28th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Cindy Cohn
Executive Director
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Cooper Quintin
Senior Staff Technologist
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Mario Trujillo
Staff Attorney
Electronic Frontier Foundation
nash Sheard
Managing Director, Advocacy
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Beryl Lipton
Investigative Researcher
Electronic Frontier Foundation