Indigenous Forum – How Indigenous Roots of American Democracy Can Regenerate the Practice of Self-Governance
Haudenosaunee Chief, Oren Lyons (Joagquisho) and Taino Elder, José Barreiro (Hatuey), in a conversation moderated by Baratunde Thurston, will discuss the Indigenous roots of American democracy, the legacy of Haudenosaunee diplomacy, and the global resurgence of indigeneity and its first principles of self-governance. This won’t merely be a look back, but a look forward. In a moment of severe climate and democracy crises, those who hold wisdom about how to live together and with the natural world are being sought out more than ever. Rarely have voices as powerful as Lyons and Barreiro been in public conversation, and never under today’s circumstances. With urgency, perspective, and dashes of humor and hope, this session is sure to provoke and inspire.
March 27th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm