Indigenous Forum – Places and Spaces: Establishing Cultural Hubs for Native Communities
As the nation learns about land-back and rematriation, Native communities continue to provide space for Indigenous and all communities to thrive, be resilient, and share knowledge. Health centers, agencies, educational programs, and cultural centers have been at the center of Native communities, particularly for Intertribal populations in major cities. Dating back to the 50s, elders, aunties, and uncles recognized the needs of their communities and responded accordingly by establishing Friendship houses and Resource centers. The next generation is now making a stronger call to decolonize and re-indigenize place. Join us for this panel to learn how Indigenous communities dream, create, and establish place. Moderated by Nazshonnii Brown-Almaweri. With: Paloma Flores and Ernie Albers.
March 28th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm