Bioneers 2025 Conference

Interactive Session – Catalyst for Change—Building Personal Roadmaps for Civic Participation

Hosted by Civic (Re)Solve

This session is meant to serve as a catalyst for change—to challenge and encourage leaders and engaged citizens to envision their personal role in public service. In this interactive workshop, we will seek to transform inspiration into action, as all of us will be invited to create personal roadmaps to public service. All of us will be welcomed to connect with the panelists, to gain valuable insight into their programs and to explore diverse ways to actively get involved in civic leadership. With: Anathea ChinoAdvance Native Political Leadership; Chloe Maxmin, Dirtroad Organizing; Elizabeth RosenFuture Caucus; and Caitlin LewisWork For America

March 28th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm


Anathea Chino
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Advance Native Political Leadership
Chloe Maxmin
Dirtroad Organizing
Caitlin Lewis
Executive Director
Work For America
Elizabeth Rosen
Communications Director
Future Caucus