Bioneers 2025 Conference

Interactive Session – Practicing Joy and Grief in Challenging Times

In a time when people too often run from grief and struggle in order to seek joy, this session will delve into how coming into a more active, balanced relationship with joy and grief is essential to nurturing our sense of wholeness. Join us for a cross-generational conversation between panelists and among attendees, as we collectively explore how these twin pillars can frame essential practices for not just surviving, but thriving in a time of deep uncertainty. Facilitated by Akaya Windwood, Liz Ogbu, Benja Mertz.

March 28th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Akaya Windwood
Lead Advisor
Third Act
Liz Ogbu
Designer and Grief Worker
Studio O
Benja Mertz
Performer, Educator, Folklorist, and Song-Leader