Bioneers 2024 Conference

Oren Lyons – To Survive, We Must Transform Our Values

Introduction by Rex Lyons, Haudenosaunee Nationals

We can all see the Earth is heating up, that polar ice and glaciers are melting, and that ever more fires, floods and droughts are screaming at us that our climate is unraveling. Our societies are also showing signs of unraveling. But the legendary, world-renowned Native American Rights leader, Oren R. Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Onondaga Nation, who, among countless achievements, helped establish the UN’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations and authored or co-authored such profoundly influential texts as: Wilderness in Native American Culture and Exiled in the Land of the Free: Democracy, Indian Nations and the U.S. Constitution, is here to tell us that we can’t give up. We have profound responsibilities to coming generations, and time is of the essence, but if we want to reverse course to prevent climate catastrophe and achieve real peace, we will have to dig deep to transform contemporary society’s core values  that underlie and drive the existential crises we are facing.

Zellerbach Hall


March 29th | 9:43 am to 10:08 am


Oren Lyons
Member Chief
Onondaga Council of Chiefs and the Grand Council of the Iroquois Confederacy

Introduced by

Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Bioneers 2024 Conference - Revolution from the Heart of Nature