Bioneers 2024 Conference

Odessa Flores-Vasquez

Senior Associate | Devoted Health

Odessa Flores-Vasquez

Odessa Flores-Vasquez, of Maya/Ojibwa ancestry, is a Native energy healer, dancer, singer, elder advocate and mental health practitioner who has spent her life “re-Indigenizing” rituals, ceremonies, and traditions to restore societal balance and promote collective and individual health. Currently, Odessa leads a movement of Elders in building and sustaining communities to reclaim their innate power as wisdom keepers and seven generation changemakers. Odessa is a key spiritual leader and Senior Associate at Devoted Health.

Panel Presentations:

Nurturing Connected Consciousness for Personal, Collective, and Planetary Health and Wellbeing

March 28th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm