Raynell Morris
Events and Gatherings Producer | Children of the Setting Sun Productions

Squi-le-he-le (aka Raynell Morris), a Lhaq’temish matriarch and enrolled Lummi tribal member, is the Events and Gatherings Producer at Children of the Setting Sun Productions and a board member of the Friends of Toki. A former Vice-President of the Sacred Lands Conservancy and Associate Director of Intergovernmental Affairs under President Clinton, Raynell was the first Native American staffer appointed to the White House. She also served as Chief of Staff for the Chairman of the Lummi Nation, and, as Director of Lummi Nation’s Sovereignty and Treaty Protection Office, she was a key strategist in the successful campaign to block a proposal to build North America’s largest coal port terminal on Lhaq’temish (Lummi) sacred ground. Her work for Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Toki/Tokitae), the famed orca, and to save her home waters, the Salish Sea, is the subject of the film, Resident Orca, being shown at Bioneers this year.
Panel Presentations:
Pre-Conference Event – Film Screening of Resident Orca
March 26th | 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm
Indigenous Forum – Shifting the Tides of Justice: Advancing the Rights of Fish and Aquatic Mammals
March 27th | 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm