Toby Herzlich
Founder | Biomimicry for Social Innovation

Toby Herzlich, founder/Director of Biomimicry for Social Innovation, a non-profit dedicated to applying nature’s genius to leadership and social change, is a trainer and facilitator focused on progressive leadership development and building diverse multidisciplinary networks for changemaking. A certified Biomimicry Specialist and educator, Toby’s 30+ years of experience have included: Senior Trainer with the Rockwood Leadership Institute; co-founder of the Cultivating Women’s Leadership training intensives; organizational consulting with such clients as the Sierra Club, Ford Foundation, AgroEcology Fund, National Hispanic Cultural Center, and the Navajo Nation; and the launching of several national collaborative networks, including the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable and the Young Climate Leaders Network. She is also a facilitator with the Volgenau Climate Initiative and Project Positive.
Panel Presentations:
Biomimicry and Justice
March 28th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
Interactive Session – Biomimicry and Social Innovation—Becoming a Nature Positive Leader
March 28th | 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm