Bioneers 2024 Conference

Taylor Brorby – Raising Hell: Censorship, Carbon Capture, and Being Gay on the Great Plains

Introduction by Nikola Alexandre, Co-Creator & Stewardship Lead at Shelterwood Collective

Taylor Brorby grew in the dynamic shortgrass prairie of western North Dakota, a youth that coincided with the brutal physical and psychic scarring of his surroundings by the coal and oil industry, a fate not made any easier by being a young gay boy enthralled by classical music, art, fishing, and poetry. From here, Taylor became a brilliant poet, writer and dedicated activist, one of the most eloquent and profound critics of the fossil fuel industry in the nation, penning, among other works, the extraordinary memoir: Boys and Oil: Growing Up Gay in a Fractured Land, the powerful essays in Civil Disobedience, and co-editing: Fracture: Essays, Poems, and Stories on Fracking in America. He will share some of his life story and seek to inflame us with the passion we will need to stop the carbon-burning Leviathans from destroying the biosphere.

Zellerbach Hall


March 28th | 12:14 pm to 12:37 pm


Taylor Brorby
Author & Activist
Boys and Oil: Growing Up Gay in a Fractured Land

Introduced by

Nikola Alexandre
Co-Creator & Stewardship Lead
The Shelterwood Collective